All About EDA Part 3: Data Editing

Now that we recognize the components of the EDA waveform, it is important to differentiate between actual response and fluctuations in the signal which are in fact artifacts. It is important to prevent artifact from occurring as much as possible by using quality electrodes and following best practices for data acquisition, […]

All About EDA Part 2: Components of Skin Conductance

Last time we talked about the significance of measuring electrodermal activity, and how it is collected. Now we can start looking at the resulting waveform and how to extract meaningful information from it.   Scaling EDA to Microsiemens MindWare applications expect incoming data to be in volts (with the exception […]

All About EDA Part 1: Introduction to Electrodermal Activity

All About Electrodermal Activity EDA stands for Electrodermal Activity, and is the measurement of changes in the electrical properties of the skin. When a person sweats, the conductivity of their skin changes, and activation of eccrine sweat glands is an established indicator of sympathetic nervous system arousal. Therefore, by measuring […]

Improving Data Quality: EDA

Before reading this article, check out these basic guidelines for ensuring good data collection which are universally applicable. Now we will get a bit more focused, and talk about signal specific data quality issues that can arise and how to deal with them. Disclaimer: Labeling data “good” or “bad” is […]

Smoothing Data with a Rolling Filter

“So… what does the Rolling Filter do?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that, I would have a lot of money.  Unfortunately I don’t have all of that money, but what I do have is the sense that the Rolling Filter needs a bit more […]