All About ECG Part 2: ECG Component Identification

Select analysis version to view the applicable content: Welcome back to our blog series on analyzing the electrocardiogram, or ECG. Recall from last time the typical morphology of the ECG cycle: Today we are going to talk about how the MindWare applications identify two key components of the ECG waveform – […]

All About ECG Part 1: Introduction to the Electrocardiogram

All About ECG The ECG, or electrocardiogram (also EKG), is a measure of the electrical activity of the heart. The recording and interpretation of the ECG signal yields several statistics that prove meaningful in the realm of psychophysiology. To examine activity in the parasympathetic nervous system, we can examine heart rate and […]

Smoothing Data with a Rolling Filter

“So… what does the Rolling Filter do?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that, I would have a lot of money.  Unfortunately I don’t have all of that money, but what I do have is the sense that the Rolling Filter needs a bit more […]

KB0046: Using the Midbeat Function in the ECG Editor

Select analysis version to view the applicable content: The Midbeat function in the ECG editor allows you to insert a new R peak marker between two pre-existing R peaks. This is useful for when it is difficult or impossible to see a missing R peak in the data, but the existing […]

KB0044: Deleting an R Peak Using the ECG Editor

Select analysis version to view the applicable content: In the event that a MindWare analysis application erroneously marks noise in a signal as an R peak, you must delete that R peak marker to accurately calculate statistics based on the R peak series such as Heart Rate, RSA, and Stroke […]

KB0043: Inserting an R Peak Using the ECG Editor

Select analysis version to view the applicable content: When cleaning an ECG signal, occasionally you will need to insert an R peak which was not identified by the analysis application. This article shows how to use the ECG editor to manually insert an R peak. First, open the ECG Editor […]