ECG 60Hz Noise Demo Data

Demo File: ECG 60 Hz

This short file contains an ECG channel affected by 60Hz noise, which is typically caused by electrical interference. 60Hz power is common in the United States and a few other countries. In much of the rest of the world, electrical interference is characterized by 50 Hz noise. Both frequencies are filtered in the same manner.

ECG signal with 60 Hz noise
ECG signal with 60 Hz noise

Use the 60Hz Notch filter in BioLab or analysis to minimize/remove the interference:

R Peak & Artifact Settings
HRV/IMP Analysis Application – Setup Screen – R Peak & Artifact Settings
BioLab Configuration Screen
BioLab Configuration Screen

Once the notch filter is applied, the noise should be significantly reduced.

ECG signal with 60Hz Notch filter
ECG signal with 60Hz Notch filter

See this blog post for techniques used to avoid this sort of noise during data acquisition, as well as other types of noise seen in ECG data.